all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 5AQ 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK42 5BD 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK42 5BG 1 0 52.134428 -0.475586
MK42 5BL 1 0 52.134428 -0.475586
MK42 5BT 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK42 5SA 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SB 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SD 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SE 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SF 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SG 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SH 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SJ 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SL 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SN 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SP 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SQ 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SR 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5SS 1 52.132758 -0.470281
MK42 5ST 1 52.132758 -0.470281